lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

UK set for the hot summer (possibly) 15:58 22/03/2010, Stephen Bates, Blogposts,, news, UK news, weather, Guardian Unlimited

UK set for the hot summer (possibly) 15:58 22/03/2010, Stephen Bates, Blogposts,, news, UK news, weather, Guardian Unlimited

Positive Weather Solutions Online predicts Britain will have a summer to match or exceed that of 1976

The Met Office may have given up long-range forecasts for the general public after getting their fingers burned by the prediction of a summer barbecue last year, but one of his rivals is not being so cautious. Positive Climate Solutions is apparently set to predict a hot summer this year.

The forecaster recognizes that is a summer to match or even beat 1976 when the country baked in record temperatures throughout late July and severe drought conditions until the weather broke in time for the bank holiday in late August. Jonathan Powell, senior forecaster, told the Daily Mail: "There will be stifling temperatures, which, possibly, the hottest summer in the UK on the register and placing at least three summers in the warmest on record." Note of caution "possibly".

The forecast, to be published tomorrow, apparently suggesting a fine start in June, followed by rain in the middle of the month, with changing conditions and heavy rain in two weeks time at Wimbledon. So far, so normal. In mid-July to see a hot spell, followed by humidity, thunderstorms and flash floods. August there will be long periods of sunshine and warmth, but with the usual caveat that it becomes showers and changing point of September. So probably not this summer blizzards, and plagues of frogs.

For comparison, here is the prediction of SMP for the current month, issued at the end of February:

Winter refuses to let go at least during the first half of March, temperatures, and despite some encouraging especially in the south, will soon become cold once again, with winter rains in the north and east ... Expect some wet and windy weather until mid-March, with the possibility of some flooding, as the Atlantic has a warehouse in the UK weather. Temperatures will recover to at or above average. The month ended with an unresolved note, with more rain and it is likely that strong winds, mixed with some drier weather and brighter. Temperature-wise, in late March, you'll feel good spring.

Yup, that sounds a bit like March. PWS are more skeptical about long-term climate trends, beyond the hot summer. Its website says it is "a firm belief that global warming is cyclical and is not substantial evidence to support the claim that we are moving toward a stage" runaway climate.

Stephen Bates © Guardian News

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